New beginnings are often disguised..

new beginnings are often disguised as painful endings

Most of us tend to settle in our comfort zone, we are afraid of change or something new. Maybe because we no longer hope for better things, or maybe because we live in the belief that every ending is painful and does not lead to something better.

Every change is important and every change of itself is meaningful. What seemed negative or painful in the beginning may turn into something new; in a new beginning, in a new way, in a new direction, in a new opportunity, in a new life, in a new you.

Do not consider the painful ending to be the ultimate ending of everything. In fact, it’s a new beginning. Remember, after every storm, there is a rainbow.

Spread positivity 💕

Julianna F.

The philosophy behind our blog is simple: think big and think positively. As Donald Trump once said, "You are going to think anyway, so think big." Life is too short to waste time on negative thoughts that weigh you down. We're here to infuse some joy and inspiration with a dash of astrology, numerology, and healthy living tips. Or really whatever pops into our heads! Follow us on Instagram

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