Are you into magic, mysteries, and fortune telling? Nostradamus isn’t a name everyone knows, but this man was amazingly accurate at predicting the future – just like that Bulgarian psychic Baba Vanga.
Nostradamus was a French astrologer who lived way back, over 450 years ago. Even though he’s been gone all that time, people are still finding his predictions coming true hundreds of years later. Some big ones people point to are the Great Fire of London, the rise of Adolf Hitler, the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and even the attack on President Kennedy.
I guess we all are wondering what Nostradamus saw coming in 2024. Should we be worried about what he wrote, or is there possibly some good stuff on the horizon?
Tisk orgánů
Nostradamus predicted that in 2024, we’ll be able to print organs using 3D printers. Which is pretty wild to think about! Now we can already 3D print things like toys and gadgets. But printing a whole organ seems next level. It does sound pretty futuristic – we’ve come a long way with 3D printing tech. But printing something as complicated as an organ? Only time will tell I guess!
Svět ovládaný umělou inteligencí
Nostradamus predicted that the world would be ruled by non-human intelligence in the future, similar to Baba Vanga’s 2024 prediction. While Nostradamus didn’t use the term “artificial intelligence” since it didn’t exist in his time 400 years ago, he said the world would be controlled by something not human.
This could mean artificial intelligence, robots, or other intelligent machines that aren’t made of flesh and blood. If we think of “non-human intelligence” broadly, it seems he was right – 2024 has been a big year for chatbots like ChatGPT and other technologies without human form.
Ruský prezident v ohrožení
Another prediction for 2024 is that Vladimir Putin will “dance with the dragon”. This is one of Nostradamus’ more cryptic predictions. While it’s not totally clear, it seems to suggest Putin will either be in some kind of danger himself or will be taking a big risk. The term “dragon” was sometimes used to refer to weapons back then, so it’s possible it means Putin could even be assassinated. All in all, not the most positive prediction for the Russian president.
Nový, mladý lídr Evropy
Nostradamus actually had a positive prediction for Europe in 2024. He said that a young, charismatic leader will emerge and gain influence really quickly.
Unfortunately, he didn’t give us much else to go on – no names, ages, or what country they’d be from. So we can only guess who it might be. But it’s interesting because Nostradamus predicted other things very accurately, like the rise of Hitler in Europe even though that happened centuries after he died. So maybe we have something good to look forward to in a few years!
Čína jako světový lídr
Baba Vanga and Nostradamus both made some predictions about what would happen in 2024. Baba Vanga said that Russia would become a really powerful country on the world stage. Meanwhile, Nostradamus said China would become the biggest leader.
Specifically, he said China’s influence would spread all over the world like spilled tea. But Nostradamus didn’t say exactly how – through politics, products, or technology. So there’s still a lot of mystery around his vision for China in 2024.
Zajímá vás, co se chystá na rok 2024? Podívejte se na tyto Baba Banga předpovědi na rok 2024 👈.
Slavné Nostradamovy předpovědi, které se vyplnily
Zde jsou některé z nejznámějších Nostradamových předpovědí, které se ukázaly jako přesné:
Velký požár Londýna (1666): Nostradamovo čtyřverší, které zní "Krev spravedlivých se v Londýně proviní, spálí se zapálením třiadvaceti šestek.," je často spojován s velkým požárem Londýna. "trojky šestky" je často spojován s rokem 1666 se třemi 6s.
Francouzská revoluce (1789-1799): V jednom z Nostradamových čtyřverší předpověděl Francouzskou revoluci a představil si dobu, kdy utlačované masy povstanou svými písněmi, zpěvy a voláním po spravedlnosti, zatímco vládci a šlechta se ocitnou v zajetí.
Vzestup Adolfa Hitlera (1933-1945): Jedno z Nostradamových proroctví, které se zdá být v souladu s historickými událostmi, se týká nástupu Adolfa Hitlera k moci. Ve svém čtyřverší Nostradamus zmiňuje, že "Ostrý jazyk, kdysi mladého chlapce ze západní Evropy, svede velký oddíl.“
Atomové bombardování Hirošimy a Nagasaki (1945): Nostradamova předpověď atomového bombardování Hirošimy a Nagasaki je často spojována s jeho čtyřverším o "dvě města a nevídané pohromy; charakterizované hladomorem, morem a lidmi zasaženými zbraněmi.“
Útoky z 11. září 2001: Údajná Nostradamova předpověď útoků z 11. září je mezi nadšenci předmětem diskusí. Zajímavé je, že i Baba Vanga úspěšně předpověděla 11. září.
According to Nostradamus, in 2024, we might be able to print human organs. He also said China and artificial intelligence will be really powerful worldwide. And Europe could get a new young leader who has a lot of influence.
It’s hard to say if any of that will really happen. But one thing is for sure – artificial intelligence just keeps getting smarter and more important all the time. It’ll be interesting to see what the future brings!
Zdroje obrázků: Pexels | Wikipedia