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No, Masturbation Is Not A Form of Witchcraft

The other day, I saw atweet – unfortunately, I can’t find it now – but it was claiming that masturbating is a form of witchcraft! There are actually people out there who think taking care of yourself solo style is somehow summoning demons or casting curses. How did we get to this point?

The Origins of This Myth Linking Masturbation And Witchcraft

People believed the old myth that masturbating is witchcraft for centuries, but I wonder where that even came from. Like with a lot of strange beliefs, it’s hard to know for sure, but it seems partly from religious rules long ago, partly not understanding things, and partly trying to scare each other.

Some say the first time anyone connected masturbating with witches was back in medieval times. A lot of Christian leaders thought masturbating was “unnatural” and let demons into your body. Then, during the Renaissance, some believed your sperm had some “life force” and wasting it drained your energy.

By the 1800s, when medicine was improving, they wrongly thought masturbating would make you crazy or sick. Doctors and preachers spread rumors that it would cause epilepsy, memory loss, and being depraved. Some even claimed the devil could take over your body and soul from it.

Sure, we know now those ideas are totally ridiculous, but you’ll still find remnants of it in some conservative groups. The real truth is – masturbating is normal human behavior and has nothing to do with magic or witches. Our bodies are made to feel good, and exploring that safely can be part of being healthy sexually.

But of course, there are strongly religious people who think masturbating is wrong or even a form of witchcraft. They think you shouldn’t because you’re supposed to dedicate yourself to their God instead of yourself. But most experts agree it’s healthy and natural to explore your sexuality, as long as you’re careful.

Why This Claim Makes No Sense

Masturbation is a very normal human thing. I really believe most people do it at some point in their lives, so there’s really no need to make it some big secret. It’s just a natural urge and a safe way to figure out what you enjoy.

Also, there’s no supernatural or spiritual stuff going on – it’s just you, your imagination, and your body. Thinking evil spirits will enter you is a silly scare tactic used to control behavior.

Most importantly, it doesn’t hurt anyone. Unlike actual witchcraft, there’s no victims or bad intentions involved. It’s a solo activity that doesn’t impact others. Saying it’s a sin or will make you go blind are just old wives’ tales.

Now, while everyone can believe what they want, we have to stop spreading lies and making claims without evidence. Taking care of yourself is normal, natural, and harmless – not some forbidden ritual or anything sinister. Our sexuality isn’t something to feel ashamed or afraid of.

The “O-Method”

The O-Method is something you may have heard about if you’re interested in spirituality or the law of attraction. This technique involves visualizing what you want to manifest in your life as you masturbate and reach orgasm.

Many believers think that during those brief moments of orgasm, your vibrations and energy are elevated in a way that makes you more capable of bringing your dreams and goals into reality. However, masturbating solely for the purpose of visualization probably shouldn’t be the only reason someone engages in that act.

Sex is meant to be enjoyed, whether alone or with a partner. Achieving orgasm just for your own benefit, without consideration for your partner’s pleasure, if applicable, could be seen as rather selfish. If used as the only outlet in the long-term, it may even develop into an unhealthy addiction or dependency.

Could this be the reason why some people believe masterbation is taboo or even witchcraft, given those potential downsides? Who knows!

Wrapping This Up

A lot of people still think masturbation is weird or unnatural, but that’s totally not the case. It’s something almost everyone does at some point, and there’s really nothing wrong or unhealthy about it. And the idea that it’s somehow witchcraft? Pshh, definitely not. It’s completely normal!