5 Deep Questions To Ask A Pendulum (From Love And Spirituality To Career)

Do you ever feel like you need some guidance in life? Maybe you’re facing a difficult decision or just feeling stuck. Or you like someone, but you don’t know if they reciprocate your feelings. Whatever it is, every person, spiritual or not, has questions that they would like answered.

deep questions to ask a pendulum

The use of a pendulum can assist in accessing one’s intuition and discovering concealed aspects about oneself and their journey. This tool holds significant potential in uncovering hidden truths, and I personally use it whenever I feel I need to clarify something or get a precise answer.

So if you are a beginner, I encourage you not to give too much weight to the pendulum answers, at least in the first few months. Here are five deep questions you can ask your pendulum to unlock its mysteries and gain insights into your life.

What is my life purpose?

We all want to know why we’re here and what we’re meant to do. Asking your pendulum about your life purpose can help you gain clarity and direction. To start, hold your pendulum over your palm and ask, “What is my life purpose?

The pendulum may move in a circular motion, swing back and forth, or stay still. Interpret the movement based on your pendulum’s personal language.

  • If your pendulum moves in a circular motion, it means that you’re on the right path and fulfilling your life purpose.
  • If it swings back and forth, it means that you’re not yet aligned with your purpose and need to make some changes or find balance in life.
  • If it stays still, it indicates that you should pause and contemplate what you genuinely desire from your existence.

Once you have an answer, take some time to reflect on it. Does it resonate with you? If what you are considering does not match your personal beliefs and interests, it is important to ask additional questions to obtain a greater understanding. You can use your pendulum to provide direction as you work to achieve your ultimate life goals.

What is blocking me from achieving my goals?

Every individual has aspirations they strive to accomplish, but sometimes we encounter obstacles that prevent us from reaching them. These obstacles may be internal or external, but identifying them is the first step toward overcoming them.

Hold your pendulum over your palm and ask, “What is blocking me from achieving my goals?” The pendulum may move in different ways, depending on the nature of the blockage.

  • The back-and-forth swing movement means that you’re blocking yourself through your own limiting beliefs or fears.
  • Circular motion means that external factors are preventing you from reaching your goals.
  • If it stays still, you need to take a step back and reassess your goals.

Once you have identified the blockage, ask follow-up questions to gain more clarity. What limiting beliefs or fears are holding you back? What external factors are preventing you from reaching your goals? Once you have identified the blockage, you can take action to overcome it and move closer to achieving your goals.

What is the lesson I need to learn from this situation?

During our lifetime, we are faced with a variety of experiences, both positive and negative, that can push us to our limits and force us to demonstrate our endurance and fortitude. These situations can be opportunities for growth and learning, but only if we approach them with an open mind and willingness to learn.

First, think about your current situation and what makes your life difficult at the moment. Then, hold your pendulum over your table, a photograph of someone, or your palm and ask, “What is the lesson I need to learn from this situation?

  • Back-and-forth swinging indicates that you need to let go of something or someone that is no longer serving you. It could be a person, a bad habit, or negative thoughts.
  • A circular motion encourages you to have confidence in the process and believe that, eventually, things will fall into place. 
  • If the pendulum stays still and does not move, it means that you need to take action and make changes to your current situation.

After recognizing the lesson, it is important to spend some time contemplating it. How can you put this lesson into use in the future? What adjustments are required to incorporate this lesson into your daily life?

What is the root cause of my physical symptoms?

Our bodies are complex and often send us signals when something is wrong. Symptoms like tiredness, stomach discomfort, and headaches may hint towards underlying concerns that require attention.

First, rub both hands as if you are cold and want to warm up. Not only will it warm your hands, but you’ll create an energy field between them. Now, hold your pendulum over your left palm (the side of your heart) and ask, “What is the root cause of my physical symptoms?

  • If the pendulum starts swinging back and forth, the root cause is related to your instability, your emotions, or your mental state.
  • If it starts moving in a swift circular motion, the root cause is related to your physical environment or lifestyle habits.
  • A pendulum that does not move indicates that you need to seek professional medical advice or talk to a professional.

Once you have identified the root cause, take action to address it. If it’s related to your emotions or mental state, consider seeing a therapist or practicing self-care techniques such as meditation or journaling. If it’s related to your physical environment or lifestyle habits, make changes to your diet, exercise routine, or sleep habits.

What steps should I take to improve my relationship?

Relationships are complex and require effort and communication to thrive. Sometimes we encounter challenges in our relationships that require us to take a step back and reassess. To start, hold your pendulum over your palm and ask, “What steps do I need to take to improve my relationship?” The pendulum may move in different ways, depending on the steps you need to take.

  • If you notice the pendulum swinging back and forth, it means that you need to communicate more effectively with your partner.
  • A circular motion means that you need to work on yourself and your own issues before addressing the issues in the relationship.
  • A pendulum that seems to stay still indicates that you need to seek professional help or consider ending the relationship.

Once you have identified the steps, take action to implement them. Active listening and clear expression of needs and emotions are crucial for effective communication in any kind of relationship. Work on your own personal growth and address any issues that may be affecting the relationship. Your pendulum can help guide you toward a healthier, more fulfilling relationship.

What To Avoid When Using A Pendulum

While pendulums can be powerful tools for gaining insights and guidance, there are some common mistakes to avoid when using them. Here are some of the typical mistakes people tend to make and what to avoid:

  • Approach your pendulum with an open mind and willingness to receive guidance.
  • Don’t ask leading questions or manipulate the pendulum to get the answer you want.
  • Cleanse your pendulum regularly to prevent negative energy from affecting your readings.
  • Practice regularly to build a strong connection with your pendulum and develop your intuitive abilities.

Final Words

For centuries, pendulums have been used for divination purposes, providing answers to questions regarding various aspects of life, such as relationships, career, and spiritual growth. Nonetheless, one’s experience and energy, environment, and mental state also significantly influence the outcomes.

If you are a beginner, I encourage you not to take the pendulum’s answers as 100%. Think of them as pointers rather than a call to action.

Spread positivity 💕

Julianna F.

The philosophy behind our blog is simple: think big and think positively. As Donald Trump once said, "You are going to think anyway, so think big." Life is too short to waste time on negative thoughts that weigh you down. We're here to infuse some joy and inspiration with a dash of astrology, numerology, and healthy living tips. Or really whatever pops into our heads! Follow us on Instagram

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