Oh, the letter Q. Such a beautiful and yet so unusual letter, which appears in only <0.1% of all English words. And for that reason alone, you might not even be surprised that there aren’t too many positive words starting with this initial letter.
We have prepared for you a list of positive words that start with Q, along with verbs and adjectives to describe the person.
From quotable, quality, quantity, quaff, and quiddity, to quasimodo, quaint, qualified, and queen, all these words are interesting, sometimes even foreign sounding.

List of Positive Words That Start With Q
Quack | Quackhood |
Quadrate | Quadruple |
Quaint | Quail |
Quadruplex | Quadruplicate |
Quai | Qualification |
Quaintrelle | Quaff |
Quaintise | Qualified |
Qualify | Qualitative |
Quality | Quantifiable |
Quantitative | Quarender |
Quantum | Quarry |
Q-tip | Qspiritual |
Quaggy | Quarter |
Quartz | Quartz-stone |
Quash | Quasi |
Quasimodo | Quattro |
Quay | Queen-bee |
Queenly | Queen |
Queenhood | Queenish |
Queep | Queer |
Queerly | Quench |
Querido | Querendón |
Query | Quesadilla |
Questioning | Quest |
Qui bono | Qui vive |
Quiche | Quick-release |
Quick-sighted | Quick-thinking |
Quick-witted | Quick-wittedly |
Quicken | Quickenest |
Quickening | Quickie |
Quickly | Quicksilver |
Quickstep | Quid pro quo |
Quiescent | Quiddity |
Quietness | Quietsome |
Quietude | Quill |
Quilling | Quintessence |
Quintessential | Quip |
Quiqui | Quirk |
Quirky | Quite |
Quixotic | Quiz |
Quizzing | Quizzed |
Quoda | Quodlibet |
Quondam | Quora |
Quorum | Quotable |
Quota | Quotating |
Quotas | Quotation |
Quote | Quotes |
Quotha | Quotidian |
Qwerty | Quotatingly |
Querulous | Qualifier |
Qadi | Quahog |
Qiviut | Quipment |
Qigong | Quondam |
Quote-addict | Quaggy |
Quemeful | Quaternary |
Quintuple | Quo |

Quack – The duck’s sound.
Quackhood – A state of mind in which one begins to regard oneself as superior and more intelligent than others.
Quadrate – To divide into equal parts by a cross shape.
Quadruple – One thing increased four times over.
Quail – To lose courage or confidence due to fear.
Quaint – Something that is quaint is old-fashioned and unusual.
Quadruplex – A quadruplex is a type of geometry that combines the properties of both a triangle and a square.
Quadruplicate – To make something four times as large or more.
Quaintrelle – A woman focused on beauty and style.
Quaff – to drink a glass of something (such as water or alcohol) quickly and in one swallow.
Quicksilver – A sudden, swift, or fast movement.
Quiescent – Not active or moving; still.
Quiddity – A very small amount of something.
Quintessence – The most ideal or characteristic instance of a specific thing.
Quixotic – Impractical due to excessive idealism.
Qwerty – A layout of letters on a typewriter keyboard.
Quondam – “Former” or “once.” You may use this word to describe something that has happened, such as, “I quondam lived in New York.“
Qui vive – A French term that translates to “on the alert” or “on guard.“
Queenhood – Similar to kinghood, queenhood describes the status, role, and responsibilities of a queen.
Qui bono – A Latin phrase that means “who benefits?” It’s often used to question the motive or purpose behind a particular action or event.
Qspiritual – The letter Q serves as an amplifier and makes the word “spiritual” even more powerful.
Q Adjectives To Describe A Person
Looking for q words to describe someone positively? The most common positive q words to describe a person include quaint, quirky, quick-witted, quiet, qualified, and quizzical.
Quirky – A unique and individualistic person that’s not afraid to be himself. A quirky person is often seen as charming and endearing.
Quaint – This word typically refers to something old-fashioned or charmingly antiquated. When used to describe a person, it can suggest a sense of elegance, grace, and refinement.
Quick-witted – This person is sharp, clever, and able to think on their feet. They are often admired for their intelligence and ability to come up with clever retorts or solutions. When it comes to astrology, Gemini is one of the most quick-witted zodiac signs.
Quiet – Contrary to what you might think, being quiet can actually be a positive trait! Someone who is quiet is often seen as thoughtful, reflective, and introspective. They may not be the life of the party, but they are often excellent listeners and very observant. And no, being quiet does not mean being introverted.
Qualified – When someone is qualified, they have the necessary skills and experience to excel in a particular field or position. Being qualified is a highly desirable trait in any professional setting.
Quality-conscious – Someone who is quality-conscious is attentive to detail, focused on excellence, and committed to producing work of the highest caliber. This trait is highly valued in any industry where attention to detail is important (IT, design, writing.)
Quizzical – A sense of curiosity, wonder, and amusement that makes someone quizzical. This type of person may ask lots of questions, enjoy learning new things, and have a playful sense of humor.
Beautiful Words That Start With Q
- Querencia – A place where you meet your authentic self and where you feel at home. It could be a foreign country, a forest, a beach, or your childhood room.
- Quaintrelle – A woman who shows her passion for life mainly through clothes, fashion, or style.
- Quote-addict – Addicted to inspirational or motivational quotes.
- Quiescent – Resting and quiet.
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Update: Added a new word, “Querulous.” Credit goes to chi-nese.com. If you know other positive words that start with Q, don’t hesitate to contact us!